
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.
    I've been in contact with Google Sales rep and they are sending me info on training material and all that fun stuff. If you don't have one, give them a call and they will do a conference call and get you setup. If i get more details from them, i'll send it your way.
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.

    I just checked, all is working!

    Thank you very much. May I ask what the issue was? Was it connected to the Google Cloud Stackdriver issue?

    Thanks to everyone!
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.

    I actually called out this morning just to see if I could get an update, and I just got a call back, the tech was very nice, and let me know their is a issue with Google Cloud, and said their are a lot of others who are experiencing the issue and it is being worked on, as it is #1 priority. So it made me feel better that we are not the only ones, and they are on it. Hopefully soon it will be back.
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.

    Thank you for the reply. I'm sure you can tell from my urgency since I am getting calls from alot of our clients about this. Hopefully they resolve it soon.


    Not that it's a good thing, but i am kinda glad to hear I am not the only one running into this issue. As soon as someone from L2 responds, I definitely will post and let you know.

    It is interesting that stackdriver could cause this. I too am limited on Google Cloud, I am going to be taking some training to help better understand their product and hopefully utilize it for other clients. I read what stackdriver does, maybe part of the code of the Cloudberry software utilizes it and what Google did to correct is conflicting with the software. I also went as far as doing what you did, even creating a new bucket, with new keys and still nothing.